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Assessment in schools is essential to evaluate student learning, inform teaching strategies, identify strengths and areas for improvement and ensure students are fulfilling their potential.

Teachers at St. Bede’s report on your child’s academic progress at two points during the academic year.  In addition to this there are occasions where an update will be provided regarding your child’s Attitude to Learning.

Years 7 to 9

In Years 7 to 9, students are given a progress indicator by teachers of Working Above (A), Working as Expected (E), Working Towards (T) and Working Below (B) to indicate the progress they are making.  The ‘level expected’ of them is for students of their age and academic ability based on their scores achieved in the SATs for English and Maths.  It is important to remember that individual students may have different ‘levels expected’ of them to other students in their group.  Therefore, they should not try to compare what indicator they are given to what another student is given.  Take Student A who achieved an average KS2 score of 110, and student B whose average score was 90.  Both students may be awarded ‘E’ to indicate they are working at the level ‘Expected’ of them for their starting point.  This does not mean they will achieve the same grades in their GCSE’s at the end of year 11.

These reports are sent to families twice a year.  At the end of the year the report will also include a written comment from your child’s Prep Tutor.

Progress reports will include the following:

  1. Progress indicator as above
  2. Attitude to Learning Grade (ATL) for classwork and behaviour
  3. Attitude to Learning Grade (ATPS) for Personal Study

These are in addition to the ‘Attitude to Learning reports’ which only include grades for ATL and ATPS.

Information about attitude to learning grades and codes can be found here:

ATL and ATPS Grade Information

Alongside grades for ‘Attitude to learning’, an ATL code may also be given.  These codes are to provide a more specific reason for why the grade was given.  These codes are given below:

Year 9

In addition to the information mentioned above, year 9 students will also receive a ‘Predicted grade range’.  Students should use this in addition to their Progress indicator and grades for ATL and ATPS to help inform their option choices.  This will help them to choose subjects they will be most likely to be successful in.

Years 10 and 11

In Years 10 and 11, students are given a Current Working Grade, and a Predicted Grade Range by their teachers at two points in the year. This prediction is an indication of the most likely GCSE/BTEC grade that the teacher believes the student will achieve as a final GCSE/BTEC result if the student continues to work as they are currently.

Students also receive a target grade to work towards. This is set using:

  • KS2 data and estimated grades provided by FFT (Fischer Family Trust)
  • Progress made during Key Stage 3

Year 10 and 11 students are also given an ATL grade for classwork and for Personal Study.